National Mathematics Day Celebration 🧮🎉
On December 23 our school celebrated National Mathematics Day with great enthusiasm and excitement to honor the legacy of the mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. The event was filled with activities designed to inspire and engage students in the world of numbers and logic.
The highlight of the day was the Math Quiz Competition, where students from various grades and hourse showcased their problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge. The quiz had multiple rounds, including rapid-fire, puzzles, and application-based problems, making it both challenging and fun.
Winner House of the Quiz:
* Grade 1st to 4th
🏆 1st Place: Emerald House
* Grade 5th to 9th
🏆 1st Place: Sapphire House
The event concluded with a motivational talk on the importance of mathematics in daily life and a vote of thanks to all participants and organizers. A big round of applause to our young mathematicians for their incredible performance! 👏
Stay tuned for more such engaging and inspiring events! 📚✨#globalachieversschoolmoshi