Teacher’s workshop has been conducted in our school by Mrs. Kalyani Pethkar,
on the topic Classroom management and Stress Management to the teachers. In
that she has discussed, how to manage challenging behaviour of the children,
establish clear expectations to communicate for behaviour, participation and
academic performance from the beginning. This helps students understand what
is expected of them and sets the tone for a structural environment. Further, she
shared the views on stress management to elaborate it, she conducted balloon
activity. The session was very interactive and refreshing for the teachers.

The training workshop for the teachers has been conducted in Global Achievers School, in order to meet for fine-tuning of the agenda and coordination among all the faculties. Objective of the training was to equip the teachers with varieties of activities in teaching and to strengthen the teachers in planning and visualizing classes.
The resource person Ms. Madhuri Yesugade (Principal ma’am) discussed Code of Conduct, Road map for the teachers, designing of the new academic year 2023-24 with the all coordinators, Primary & Pre- primary teachers.
Key points of training:
- It is valuable to know aim & objective of all subjects.
- For planning, teachers should search contents which help to improve skills.
- Distribute the syllabus as yearly, half-yearly, monthly.
- Activities should be taken accordingly to content for different level.
- Class test should be conducted time to time and before every lesson start, students need to write its summary.
- For preparation and planning talk with colleagues, discuss.
- Classroom management should be one of the most important aspect for the teachers.
- Discipline must be maintained in school.
- Positive talking to students for discipline in class, not to insult or punish among other students.
Today ‘Global Achievers School’ organised “Umbrella Painting” activity for the students and parents to show their creativity together. It was fun-filled day, wherein our children enjoyed a lot painting activity with their parents. Painting was foster observation skills and persistence, which are important for their overall growth and development.
At last students and parents has showcased the painted umbrella in front of everyone. Principal Mrs. Madhuri Yesugade has distributed appreciation certificate to all participants to motivate and encourage them. Rishi Malla along with his parents won the trophy for first prize. Today was really a very memorable day for everyone.

Taekwonda is the art of self-defense that originated in Korea. Taekwonda District Level Championship 2023–24 was held in our school on Sunday 13th August 2023. Our Principal Mam, Ms. Madhuri Yesugade and Mr. Paravin Shinde addressed the gathering and declared the meet open. Over 50 students from seven schools have participated under the 7–15 age categories.
There was Lathi-Kathi, Kata and fight competition among all students. After all the competitions were over, winners were announced on the same day. Global Achievers School was declared the winner of the first runner-up trophy. The second runner-up trophy was won by Rive Dale English Medium School, and the third runner-up position was won by Taekwonda Sports Foundation. The sports meet was ended with a vote of thanks.
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